Annual sales: steel, Crude Benzol, Coke, tar, ammonium sulfate, and so on. 常年销售:钢材,粗苯,焦碳,焦油,硫酸铵等。
The application of ultrasonic anti-scaling equipment in water recycling system for distilled ammonia and crude benzol 超声波防垢设备在蒸氨、粗苯循环水系统的应用
Basing on the traditional coking crude benzol hydro-refining separation processes, this paper researches the extractive distillation process and the energy saving measures. 本文在分析传统焦化粗苯加氢精制萃取精馏分离工艺基础上,系统研究了萃取精馏工艺及其节能措施。
The property, usage and synthetic method of caprolactam were introduced in this paper, the coke oven gas pressure swing adsorption technology and crude benzol hydro-refining process were described. 介绍了己内酰胺的性质、用途及合成方法,阐述了焦炉煤气变压吸附制氢技术和粗苯精制工艺。
A submergence in Spirit or purification by Spirit. The Optimization of the Coking Crude Benzol Hydro-refining Extractive Distillation Process 精神洗礼或精神净化焦化粗苯加氢精制萃取精馏工艺优化
Optimization of the Technical Parameter for Persimmon Vinegar with One-step Fermentation Methodology The process for the treatment of the waste acid from crude benzol refining with calcining process is studied, the optimum operation data are discussed and the process is optimized. 一步发酵法加工柿果醋工艺参数优化研究了焙烧法处理粗苯精制废酸的工艺过程,探讨了最佳运行参数,优化了工艺流程。
Corrosion Failure Analysis and Protective Measures of Ethylene Unit TS-212 Crude Benzol Reaction Heat Exchanger 乙烯装置TS-212粗苯反应换热器腐蚀失效分析与防护措施
The experimental results show that the yields of tar and coke are increased with the increment of adding proportion on plastics, there is no remarkable variation on crude benzol and ammonia yields. 实验结果表明,焦油和焦炭的产率随着废塑料添加比例的增加而增大,粗苯和氨等产率变化不明显。
The Optimization of the Coking Crude Benzol Hydro-refining Extractive Distillation Process A Review on Construction Grammar in China 焦化粗苯加氢精制萃取精馏工艺优化去粗存精取精用弘&构式语法研究概述
Research on Technology for Heat Exchanger Crude Benzol Washing with Phenol Oil 酚油清洗粗苯换热器技术的研究
The present problems existed in crude benzol recovery process of WISCO is analyzed. 分析了目前武钢粗苯回收工艺存在的问题。
The present status of coking crude benzol processing in China is analyzed. In combination with the market situation of crude benzol products and source of crude benzol, crude benzol processing technology and development tendency of crude benzol processing are described. 分析了我国焦化粗苯的加工现状,结合苯类产品的市场情况和粗苯的来源,对粗苯加工技术与粗苯加工的发展趋势进行了评述。
Ways to Cutting down the Consumption of Crude Benzol Washing Oil 降低粗苯洗油消耗的途径
Through analysing the production process of crude benzol without franctional condenser, factors influencing on the consumption of washing oil were found out, and ways to cutting down the consumption of crude benzol washing oil were also presented. 通过对无分凝器法生产粗苯工艺运行情况进行分析,找出了影响粗苯洗油消耗的因素,提出了降低粗苯洗油消耗的途径。
Development Tendency on Domestic Coking Crude Benzol Processing 国内焦化粗苯加工发展趋势
In crude benzol refining modification, new technologies such as vertical sieving tray and thermal oil process were used, as it is proved by means of principle analysis and production measurement, new technology has been successfully applied in modification. 在粗苯精制改造中采用垂直筛塔饭和热油连料工艺等新技术,通过原理分析和生产测定证明,新技术在改造中应用成功。
For extracting wash oil with low naphthalene content from condensed oil of crude benzol, the naphthalene scrubbing is realized together with the benzol scrubbing, by which not only naphthalene content in town gas is ensured, also the qualified technical naphthalene can be obtained. 从粗苯分缩油中提取的低萘洗油,在洗苯的同时完成了洗萘,既确保了城市煤气的萘含量,还可获得合格的工业萘。
Expert System for Operating Trouble Diagnosis for Crude Benzol Recovery Process 粗苯回收过程操作故障诊断专家系统
The corrosion substance of crude benzol equipment is pyridine alkalies in washing oil, NH3, H2S, HCL, HCN and so on in coke oven gas. 粗苯设备腐蚀物质是洗油中的呲啶碱和煤气中的NH3、H2S、HCl、HCN等。
Study on New Process of Crude Benzol Refining with Catalytic Chlorination 粗苯催化氯化精制新工艺的研究
The research on treating the waste acid of crude benzol refining 粗苯精制废酸的净化研究
New Techniques of Crude Benzol Refining 粗苯精制新技术
Technical Transformation of Crude Benzol Distillation System 粗苯蒸馏系统的技术改造
The results demonstrated the yields of the tar and crude benzol were improved differently, the yields of ammon remained the same, coke yields had been slightly declared during co-carbonization of coal with additions. 实验结果表明:添加物与煤共焦化时,焦油和粗苯的产率都有不同程度的提高,氨的产率基本不变,焦炭产率略有下降。
The Application of DCS in Crude Benzol Distillation Process DCS控制系统在粗苯蒸馏工艺中的应用
Study on Application of Calcining Process in Treatment of Waste Acid from Crude Benzol Refining 焙烧法在粗苯精制废酸处理中的应用研究
Application of Heat Transfer Oil in Crude Benzol Hydro-refining Process 导热油在粗苯加氢精制工艺中的应用
The major problem of solvent extraction dephenolization process is that crude benzol dissolve in ammonia liquor. 以粗苯为溶剂萃取脱酚,粗苯的主要消耗是其在处理后氨水中溶解的损失。
Study on Vapor-Liquid Equilibria for separating the alkane from the hydrorefining crude benzol 加氢粗苯烷烃分离的汽液平衡研究